Blog Post 7

Cody S
2 min readMar 4, 2021


Now I will talk about the personal failures of the education system during a COVID-19 year. First of all, schools barely managed their time during COVID. Most schools either completely shut down with no online version or had an online version that killed motivation instantly due to the lack of personal contact. What people need to realize is that school no longer exists for the purpose of preparing you in life via classes but preparing your social skills. Therefore, having any type of online school is utterly useless because it’s reinforcing the same ideas you’ve learned in previous years not to mention it creates a perception of failure due to students thinking that they aren’t good enough anymore. Several factors underpin these concerns, including a deterioration in population mental health, 3 a higher prevalence of reported thoughts and behaviors of self-harm among people with covid-19, 4 problems accessing mental health services according to the BMJ. Prioritizing a pointless education that teaches students nothing except how to procrastinate is not more important than the mental health of students. Mental health in students should always be more important than their education (especially if their education doesn’t do much). Overall schools’ should not have reopened this year in any other form than optional unless it was willing to be reverted back to normal. Considering the fastly deteriorating mental health in students, sadly we may have to shut down schools again for students who simply cannot learn in an online school environment and would rather use this time for personal benefit and getting credits for their classes on websites like Edgenuity if they learn better by themselves. Schools should be flexible.

